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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words Nahj al-Balaghah Letters will23 - Made Shortly Before His Death When He Had Been Fatally Wounded by a Blow from the Sword of (`Abd Ar-rahman) Ibn Muljim (The Curse of Allah Be Upon Him)

will23 - Made Shortly Before His Death When He Had Been Fatally Wounded by a Blow from the Sword of (`Abd Ar-rahman) Ibn Muljim (The Curse of Allah Be Upon Him)

I enjoin you, as my dying wish, not to regard anything as a partner with Allah, not to disregard the Sunnah of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). Establish these two pillars and light these two lamps. You will then be free from evil. Yesterday, I was your companion. Today, I am (just) a lesson for you, while tomorrow I shall be leaving you. If I survive, I shall be the master of my blood (to avenge or not to avenge it), and if I die, then death is a promised event. If I forgive, it is for me a means of nearness (to Allah) and for you a good deed. Therefore, do forgive. “What?! Do not you love that Allah should forgive you?” (Holy Qur’an, 24: 22).
By Allah! This sudden death is not an event that I dislike, nor is it an accident that I hate. I am just like a night traveller who reaches the spring (in the morning), or like or seeker who secures (his aim): “And whatever is with Allah is the best for the righteous” (Holy Qur’an, 3:198).

Sayyid ar-Razi says the following: “A portion of this statement has already appeared in the sermons, but I found it necessary to record it again because of some additional matter.”

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